
Steps For Removing Stains Out of Mugs – Guide

Imagine walking to your staff table thinking about getting a steaming mug of tea, but are instead put off by the stains making the cup look utterly unhygienic. Doesn’t feel so good, does it? To avoid giving someone else the same feelings you should know

How to get tea stains out of a mug

Editor’s Pick

Shout Triple-Acting Laundry Stain Remover Spray Bottle

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5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating

Salient Features

  • Powerful Stain Removal Formula
  • Triple-Action Cleaning


For someone who can’t go without drinking tea or coffee in a day, there are bound to be stains on the cup. No, that doesn’t mean that you are an unclean person, but it may give the impression that you are.

And sometimes the traditional methods are just not enough. Do you know how to remove tea stains from cups in a dishwasher? I bet you don’t, which is why your mugs always come back with the same brown tints every spin.

But, why does tea stain cups?

That’s a question many people wonder about, especially when they look at these stains. The secret is – tannic acid. It is a dyeing agent that gives the tea its color. So after excessive use, it tends to tint the mug.

But your worries end here because this is a guide that will show you multiple methods of removing tea stains step by step. So sit back and sip your tea as you read and get ready to have all your mugs squeaky neat and clean.

Cleaning Your Mugs With Lemon

Yes, it says lemon and it is not a mistake. It shouldn’t be that much of a surprise considering all dishwashing liquids and soaps claim to have “lemon power”. That is not exactly baseless, you know.

The best thing about being able to clean with lemon is that it is a common grocery ingredient. So you don’t really have to go out of your way to get some special thing just for the ugly stains.
This is how you get rid of tea stains in cups using lemon.

  • A lemon (of course!)
  • A microfiber cloth – you can use anything else that is similar as well, but this is recommended.
  • Water
  •  And maybe some salt, it is fine if you don’t want to.
  • Squeeze the lemon to obtain the juice
  • Sprinkle the juice on the stained area making sure to cover all the spots.
  • Leave the cup like this for about 15 – 30 minutes.
  • After the timer is up, dampen the microfiber cloth and rub off the juice in the stains
  • Rinse thoroughly

Some stains might come off the first time, but others might be more stubborn. Repeat till you are satisfied. If the stains are too stubborn use a little salt with the lemon juice.

Get the Stains off with Bleach

Bleach? On the cups? Is it safe to clean the teacup with bleach?

These and many more questions must be popping in your head right now, but to answer the important question – yes, it is very safe to use bleach on the teacups.

It is not that strange when you really think about it. Bleach takes out stains and that is what we are trying to accomplish here.

There are two ways to accomplish this with bleach – using pastes or soaking the cup.

Number 1

  • Here is what you will be needing.
  • Baking soda – 1 teaspoon
  • Bleach – just a few drops
  •  Dish scrub
  • Add the two ingredients together (baking soda and bleach). Make sure that you make a creamy paste and it doesn’t become flowy.
  • Apply this paste to the tinted region, make sure all stains are covered.
  • Leave for about half an hour.
  • Scrub the paste into the stains
  • Finally, give it a thorough wash.

Make sure to wear rubber gloves while using bleach. Don’t let the bleach come in contact with the skin. If using strong bleach, also use a face mash to avoid inhaling any fumes.

Number 2

Another easy alternative is to add bleach to the cup and leave it overnight or for a few hours. Make sure that the mug is covered with a lid to avoid fumes. In the morning give your mug a regular wash and see it come out neat and clean

Squeaky Clean with Baking soda

How to clean a coffee stain from a stainless steel mug? You ask. And the answer is so easy and simple that is it fairly unbelievable – baking soda. It is also among basic grocery for many people, even if it is not then you can easily get it from your nearest store.

Baking soda is not an acid, but it is known as a whitening agent. Because it is only mildly abrasive, it removes the stains effectively but at the same time doesn’t damage the material of the cup.

Let’s look at the easy as anything process of getting the stain out with baking soda.

  • Baking soda
  • Water
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Sprinkle baking soda to the mug, there is not a special need to apply it to the areas just yet.
  • Add just enough to make a paste. If it becomes too runny, remove some water and add baking soda to thicken it
  • Now make sure that the paste is spread all over the stained area.
  • Leave it for some time
  • Scrub the paste into the stains using the microfiber cloth
  • Rinse the residue produced

Again, stains can be stubborn and if you are an avid drinker they definitely will be, so you can repeat the process a few times till you are satisfied.

Clean up with Vinegar 

Editor’s Pick

Harris 30% Vinegar, Extra Strength (Gallon)

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating

Salient Features

  • High Acidity Cleaning Solution
  • Versatile Household Cleaner


Don’t let the strong scent of the vinegar let you doubt its ability. It is how to clean bone china teacups, so make a note.

Vinegar is something you can find in your cupboard more often than not. And in addition to adding the flavor to your meals, it also has incredible cleaning ability. These cleaning abilities can be used to remove these annoying stains.

What you need:

  • White vinegar – 1 cup
  • Microwaveable bowl
  • Oven mitts – or anything that can help you grab a warm bowl
  • Pour the vinegar into the bowl. Make sure it can be used in the microwave.
  • Heat the bowl in a microwave and run it for about 90-120 seconds. Make sure it is
  • Pour the hot vinegar into the cup and leave it for at least 3 hours. Or you can also let it sit overnight.
  • Rinse the mug thoroughly.

This is usually an effective process, but sometimes you may need to repeat it twice or thrice depending on the strength of the stains. But a clean mug is a guarantee when using vinegar to clean. You can also add a little bit of salt in the vinegar while scrubbing the mugs. It is not necessary but can definitely enhance the cleaning abilities of hot vinegar.

So, there it is

In conclusion, there are extremely easy ways to remove the stains that keep making you and many others uneasy. Don’t let the stains win, and get your favorite mugs neat and clean with any of these many easy ways that we have discussed. Happy cleaning!

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