We first need to determine if it is a deep structural crack or flaw or it just happened in the superficial layer of your ceramic mug.

Now let’s come to the point, where we need to check the crack type. If it’s a deep structural crack then definitely your mug has stumbled or fell somewhere.

The crazing or crack in the enamel is quite a mystery. As you just brought your new ceramic cup or a soup bowl.

So if you want to protect your ceramic pottery no matter what so ever it is a or a plate or any other bowl.

If your precious ceramic cups are in danger of breaking or cracking and you need to rescue or repair them. 

Many consumers keep using ceramic crockery believe that if the crockery has a mild crack and nothing is seeping out it’s safe to use.

Technically when you are pouring hot water or any hot liquid in your ceramics it’s not a problem but when you add hot water in a cold a mug that can cause damage.

Only warm milk cannot repair the pottery. That is just a myth but yes if you have applied any good adhesive on the broken piece